Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Below is a list of phrases in which every word does not tell. These phrases are redundant, repetitive, wordy, and verbose. Paring phrases such as these is an easy way to tighten your writing. (Redundant words are italicized.)
added bonus
advance planning
armed gunman
• circulate around
• close proximity
completely full
• consensus of opinion
• each individual person
• fewer in number
final outcome
free gift
future plans
general public
• in the month of September
invited guests
• join together
• large in size
major breakthrough
• my personal opinion
on a daily basis
past experience
past history
• period of time
• predict in advance
• red in color
• revert back
• round in shape
• firm in consistency
still continues
• sum totaltrue fact
unexpected surprise
unsolved mystery
• visible to the eye
12 noon (or midnight)
• 7 a.m. in the morning 

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