Saturday, June 14, 2014


With Father’s Day coming up this weekend, I’ve been thinking about some of the advice I’ve received from my dad over the years.

My dad’s an engineer, so my pulling marketing strategy lessons from his insight may be a bit unexpected; still, here are three nuggets of wisdom I’ve gleaned from him:
1. Not everyone will appreciate your sense of humor. My dad is great at puns and bad jokes. (Based on Father’s Day cards I see, I think a lot of dads have this “skill.”) He’s received countless eye-rolls from me, but that doesn’t stop him from telling them. He is who he is, and every once in a while he’ll still catch me off guard and get a genuine smile from me. In the same way, remember that not everyone will appreciate everything your business shares, from social media updates to media pitches. Keep your brand identity consistent, and appeal to your primary target audience.

2. Know your audience. Speaking of targets, it’s important to know your target audience. Something my brother clued me in to when I was in high school is that getting what you want from Dad takes a different approach from wheedling stuff out of Mom. This was important for me to learn, so that when I proposed something like a family vacation or study abroad, I could frame it in a way that he would respond to better. Do you know your company’s target audience and what they respond to best? It can be tricky to figure out sometimes, but it’s important. Remember to look at your Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to see what types of content your followers engage with best. Also, don’t be afraid to ask your customers questions. Ask them what they like about your business and what you can do better.

3. Repeat your message over and over again. When it comes to marketing strategy, this isn’t a shock, but it’s always worth repeating. When I think of my dad, certain phrases come to mind, like, “Sleep fast.” I’ve always hated bedtime (and still do), but he repeated himself so often that to this day, when I’ve stayed up too late I tell myself to “sleep fast.” That message definitely sank in. You want your company’s message(s) to sink in to your target audience, too. Remember to repeat yourself over and over, so that when they hear certain key phrases they think of you.

Have you learned any marketing strategy lessons from your Dad? Please share them in the comments below, and have a nice Father’s Day.

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