Sunday, June 15, 2014


Pay attention, class.

Below you will find the ABCs of online marketing. Each letter not only represents an important characteristic of successful Web marketing, but also contains hyperlinks to associated articles that might be helpful for your future efforts.

OK, are you ready? Let’s review our ABCs:

Authenticity: In case you’ve missed our recurring theme, Spin Sucks. Authenticity is key for successful Web marketing.

Branding: Make sure yours is consistent across all your digital channels.

Content: High-quality content leads the way. Refine your skills as a content creator, and encourage a culture that recognizes its importance.

Details: They matter. In everything you do, whether it’s your content, social, SEO, media outreach, or crisis communication plan. Take the time to pay attention to the little things—they have a huge effect on your brand.

Education: This field changes constantly. Therefore, must learn continuously so you can keep up.

Focus: We have a zillion and three distractions coming at us every minute. This is especially true when dealing with Web marketing. To be successful you must learn to focus, to prioritize, and to recognize when to take a break.

Grow: To expand a business is hard. It often requires not only the right digital strategy but also an associated strategy to get the financial resources you need.

Humor: Those who laugh with you buy from you, according to an increasing number of studies. Learn to use humor strategically to boost your Web marketing strategies.

Integrity: Integrity and reputation are the most important assets that you and your organization have. Guard them fiercely, and choose to work with others who do the same.

Journalism: Brand journalism is an exciting new area when it comes to digital marketing. It can take many forms, but it offers a big return on investment if executed correctly.

Klout: OK, we all know your Klout score isn’t the be-all and end-all, but what it stands for, influence, is an important part of Web marketing. Influence and thought leadership (not the buzzword version, but real thought leadership) in your industry are important components of a successful digital strategy.

Limits: Know yours. You don’t have to be everywhere at once. Figure out what channels make the most sense for your brand and for where your target customer is.

Mobile: Consumers are using mobile devices more and more both to interact with your brand and to make purchasing decisions. Do you have a plan to take advantage of this important communication channel?

Navigate: Navigate the business seas informed, but fearless. Have a plan, but don’t be blinded by it. Be aware of change, and recognize when you should change course.

Own: Why rent when you could own? Build a strong owned media presence, both in the content you develop and the community you build.

Paid: With social media platforms (we’re looking at you, Facebook) increasingly working to find ways to monetize, you can no longer ignore looking at how paid media fits into your strategy.

Questions: Engage your community with questions. Ask them what they think, what they like, how they feel. They want to tell you. Listening will strengthen your business and their trust that you are truly interested in their needs.

ROI: Sure, you might have 10,000 Twitter followers, but that isn’t necessarily going to translate into a strong return on investment relative to your business goals. Create a digital strategy that provides a ROI.

Strategy: You must have a well-researched, targeted, and actionable strategy to be successful. This reaches across all parts of Web marketing, whether community building, media relations, or content development.

Time management: Time management skills are crucial. Cultivate practices that help your productivity.

United: Effective communication is about how to unite all the divisions of your organization to work together. No more silos.

Video: Making video part of your strategy continues to rise in importance. It’s not just about going viral; video helps tell your story in a personal way to help your customers connect with you in a manner that no other digital channel provides.

Winning: That’s what you are doing as part of this community. Go, you!

X: The artist formerly known as integration. Imagine the four media types represented by the tips of the X. Build a successful strategy to bring them together. After all, every pirate knows X marks the spot.

You: You are an important part of your brand. Let your personality show, as well as that of the rest of your team. People want to connect with people, not with nameless, faceless brands.

Zebra: Who wonders what a zebra would tweet? I know I do.

That’s my alphabet, what’s yours?

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